Now a days who has just one email account? Have you ever wanted to enjoy using Google Talk for multiple accounts at the same time? This tutorial will guild you through this very simple workaround.
By default google talk with only allow you to run instance of the program at a time. Here’s how to get around that…
Run google talk with the following switch: /nomutex
First we need to find out the path you installed Google Talk too. This will depend on your operating system.
1. Go to your start menu and navigate to the Google Talk icon.
2. Right click on it and go to properties.
3. Copy everything in the “target” field EXCEPT /startmenu.
4. Right click anywhere on your desktop.
5. Go to New > Shortcut
6. Paste the text your copied from step 3 in the box.
7. Add a space and then type in /nomutex
8. Hit next
9. Type in what you want your shortcut to be called (ex. Multiple Acct gTalk)
10. Hit Finish.
That’s it! Now every time you launch that shortcut it will open a new instance of Google Talk.
By: Josh Grillo
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